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Thursday, 31 October 2013

How to get a Job in SEO(2013)?

Here we discuss about SEO learning and SEO Job.

1. Start reading about SEO

At first glance learning SEO seems like a near impossible task. With so much reading material available through the internet and with certain web sites charging for this privilege, it’s difficult to be sure of which material is worthwhile reading.

2. Learn HTML Basics

Arguably this should be an ongoing step, and form part of your basic learning but with the advent of WordPress and other WYSIWYG editing platforms, knowledge of HTML is no longer a pre-requisite. There will definitely come a time though when you will need to edit HTML code directly so it’s important (and often a required item on a job description) to know your way around.

3. Do Practice - What you learn

The numerous eBooks, blog posts and learning materials you have accumulated in steps 1 and 2 may leave you a little overwhelmed. They say practice makes perfect, so now would be a great time to piece together your understanding of SEO by getting your hands dirty and putting it into practice. You could either build a site, and experiment with the different SEO training you have learned to date, to attempt to get it to the top of the SERPs or create a personal blog in a platform like WordPress and start practicing from a content creation angle. If you’ve got friends in business that has a web site, offer them some free SEO advice. Small businesses and charities that are on a tight budget will be more open to listening to some free advice and may even let you have a go at optimizing their website… for free of course.

Keep listening what others say about SEO

Search engine algorithms are constantly evolving and there are always opinions and new techniques worth listening to. If your “beginners handbooks” are gathering dust, swap them with some more advanced reading materials, found on sites such as Search Engine Land and SEOBook to stay abreast of the latest insights and to generally stay sharp. Moreover, it is advisable to visit Google’s Webmaster Guidelines as these are updated quite regularly whenever they make tweaks to their algorithm.

Remaining points will be updated soon friends, To know more detail to know about seo and seo training visit our blog regularly


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